Organisational Structure Organisational Structure Indicators:
Information on the highest governance body is available
Supporters are democratically represented within the club and have direct access to a decision-making structures
There is at least one female representative on the superior decision-making body (board) at the club
The club has an organized women's football programme and girls and women ar given a chance to play league football
Constitution, statutes or charter Constitution, statutes or charter Indicators:
The club's constitution, statutes and/or charter are available on the website
Code of Conduct Code of Conduct Indicators:
The club's code of conduct is available. It includes an anti-corruption policy.
Sustainability Reporting Sustainability Reporting Indicators:
The club reports on its CSR/Sustainability activities
The contact information for a CSR/Sustainability contact is available
A CSR/Sustainability report is available on the website
Financial sustainability Financial sustainability Indicators:
The club publishes player remuneration information
A financial report is available
Sponsorship Sponsorship Indicators:
Sponsors act environmentally and ethically sustainable
The club engages with the club sponsors on CSR/Sustainability initiatives
Procurement / Sourcing Procurement / Sourcing Indicators:
Local sourcing/purchasing policy
The club has a sustainable purchasing procedure in place
Non-discrimination Non-discrimination Indicators:
A clear statement against racism and any forms of discrimination (including homophobia) exists and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are addressed
An equal opportunities policy is in place
Safeguarding Safeguarding Indicators:
The club has a point of contact to report on misuses
The club has a policy in place to protect the welfare of children playing for the club's youth programmes
Rules and regulations are available for all visitors to the stadium