
The Inclusive Football: Sport for All around the World

Logo Real Madrid CF FlagReal Madrid CF

Soziales Eingliederung Lebenskompetenz und Bildung Real Madrid CF

Bewährte Verfahren

The Real Madrid Foundation, created in 2010, adapted football and basketball social sports schools for people with profound intellectual disabilities. At that time, the biggest difference with other types of adapted sport was non- discrimination or selection by ability, with the philosophy that sport can and should be for all, leaving aside the competition. Today, six seasons later, the Foundation has seven adapted basketball schools, helping people that suffer from severe intellectual disability, and 15 different social sport schools for people with disabilities in different countries with more than 300 kids attending over the years and 22 kids integrated in ordinary schools.

Main Objectives:

  • To foster integration
  • To promote inclusion
  • To develop sport for all

Ana Sanjuanbenito, Director of National Sport Schools Area
+34 45 32 900


Best Practices from ECA Member Clubs


One of the most important lines of action of the Real Madrid Foundation, which has increased its activity in recent years, is the integration of people with different abilities, for whom sport is an activity that improves their lives physically and emotionally. Children, whatever their circumstances and capabilities are, will always be happier with a ball and that ball can help them to overcome their limitations.