Soziales Gesunder Lebensstil FK Sarajevo
The club, with the idea of a humanitarian project in mind, decided to launch the project about four years ago. This initiative is solely based on people that wish to help and give back to the community, because it has become important to give blood, thus helping out people that may be in need. This project involves the club’s fan base and a local hospital that helps voluntarily and organises the initiative. So far, we have had success with over 1’000 participants who gave blood over the first year only. Due to this success, the club has decided to keep the project running over the years. The importance is to show that a club is implementing concrete actions to help the community. This may be a new approach which other clubs will take, thus helping reach other possibilities with regards to the club and community outreach.
Main Objectives:
Ines Arapovic, Marketing and Communications