
MOVE Project

Terre des Hommes

Soziales Coaching

Bewährte Verfahren

The project helps animators, sport teachers, primary school teachers and social workers develop their psychosocial and methodological skills and then put them to use leading sporting activities for children to enhance cooperation and trust. So far 1,030 children have taken part in MOVE activities in Romania, Moldova and Albania and 240 adults have been trained to organise them. Tdh aims to train over 800 new MOVE animators by 2011 and help around 20,000 children to benefit from the project.


TdH contact page
UEFA contact page


UEFA core partnership information page
Terre des Hommes article


UEFA’s social responsibility strategy features long-standing core partnerships with six organisations, Terre des Hommes being one of them. The Move project aims to create a network of sports instructors who use psychosocial activities to help vulnerable young people in Romania, Moldova and Albania.